Kyoto Univ. Field Science Education and Research Center / Forest Information Lab

Yoshioka, Takahito

Japanese / English
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AffiliationField Science Education and Research Center
Area of ExpertiseBiogeochemistry
Current Research Topics Material cycle in terrestrial ecosystems
Exploring the relationships between enviromental quality and environmental consciousness
Dynamics of allochthonus and autochthonus organic matter
Investigating the origins and decompositional characteristics of particulate and dissolved organic carbon in soil, rivers, and lakes looking at their chemical structures and isotopic composition. From this knowledge, also aiming at clarifying the roles of hydrologic systems as the drain receptacle of the terrestrial ecosystems.

Exploring the relationships between enviromental quality and environmental consciousness
Examine people's environmental consciousness, or people's sense of values associated with the environment, and elucidating the enviormental qualities and the human-sociological factors that affect its formation through theoretical and empirical surveys. We will develop a conceptual device to exchange information between people and the nature (Interactive Device between Enviromnents and Artifdact: IDEA).

  1. Journal Articles in English
  2. International Conference Proceedings
  3. Books
  4. Reports
Journal Articles in English (New to Old) Top
  • Nakanishi, M., J. Gichuki, T. Sato, M. Tokonagi, T. Jembe, T. Sekino, T. Yoshioka, V. Muhandiki, Y. Sato and M. Nakamura. 2012. Removal function of the Yala Swamp (Western Kenya) on allochthonous matter transported from the Yala River. Transactions of the Research Institute of Oceanochemistry, 25:59-67.
  • Mostofa, K. M. G., F. Wu, C.-Q. Liu, D. Vione, T. Yoshioka, H. Sakugawa and E. Tanoue. 2011. Photochemical, microbial and metal complexation behavior of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the aquatic environments. Geochemical Journal, 45:235-254.
  • Lee, J., T. Yoshioka, K. Ra, J. Owen and B. Kim. in press. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of co-existing herbivorous zooplankton species in an oligo-dystrophic lake (Shirakoma-ike, Japan). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 45:29-41.
  • Hossain M. A., T. Yoshioka, E. Konohira, J. Akai, M. C. Freitas and S. M. Tareq. 2010. Sources of organic carbon and depositional environment in the Bengal delta plain sediments during the Holocene period. Limnology, 11:133-142. (DOI 10.1007/s10201-009-0301-9)
  • Tobari, Y., K. Koba, K. Fukushima, N. Tokuchi, N. Ohte, R. Tateno, S. Toyoda, T. Yoshioka and N. Yoshida. 2010. Contribution of atmospheric nitrate to stream water nitrate in Japanese coniferous forests revealed by oxygen isotope ratio of nitrate. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 24:1281-1286.
  • Katsuyama, M., Shibata, H., Yoshioka, T., Yoshida, T., Ogawa, A. and Ohte, N. 2009. Applications of a hydro-biogeochemical model and long-term simulations of the effects of logging in forested watersheds. Sustainability Science, 4:179-188. (DOI 10.1007/s11625-009-0079-z)
  • Tateno, R., K. Fukushima, R. Fujimaki, T. Shimamura, M. Ohgi, H. Arai, N. Ohte, N. Tokuchi and T. Yoshioka. 2009. Biomass allocation and nitrogen limitation in a Cryptomeria japonica plantation chronosequence. Journal of Forest Research, 14:276–285. (DOI 10.1007/s10310-009-0135-7)
  • Takano, K., Y. Ishikawa, H. Mikami, S. Igarashi, S. Hino and T. Yoshioka. 2008. Fungal infection for cyanbacterium Anabaena smithii by two chytrids in eutrophic region of large reservoir Lake Shumarinai, Hokkaido, Japan. Limnology, 9:213-218. (as a Note)
  • Lee, J.-Y., B. Kim, T. Yoshioka and Shuji Hino. 2008. The Different Isotopic Signatures of Co-existing Zooplankton Species in Two Alpine Lakes. Korean Journal of Limnology, 41:294-300, in Korean.
  • Yoshioka, T., K. M. G. Mostofa, E. Konohira, E. Tanoue, K. Hayakawa, M. Takahashi, S. Ueda, M. Katsuyama, T. Khodzher, N. Bashenkhaeva, I. Korovyakova, L. Sorokovikova and L. Gorbunova. 2007. Distribution and characteristics of molecular size fractions of freshwater dissolved organic matter in watershed environments: Its implication to degradation. Limnology, 8:29-44. Khan M. G.
  • Mostofa, K. M. G., T. Yoshioka, E. Konohira and E. Tanoue. 2007. Photodegradation of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in river waters. Geochemical Journal, 41:323-331.
  • Kawano, T., Takahara, H., Nomura, T., Shibata, H., Uemura, S., Sasaki, N. and Yoshioka, T. 2007. Holocene phytolith record at Picea glehnii stands on the Dorokawa Mire in northern Hokkaido, Japan. The Quaternary Research, 46(5):413-426.
  • Mostofa, K. M. G., T. Yoshioka, E. Konohira and E. Tanoue. 2007. Dynamics and characteristics of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the groundwater, river and lake water. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 184:157-176. (DOI 10.1007/s11270-007-9405-1)
  • Anawar, H. M., J. Akai, T. Yoshioka, E. Konohira, J. Y. Lee, H. Fukuhara, M. Tari Kul Alam and A. Garcia-Sanchez. 2006. Mobilization of arsenic in groundwater of Bangladesh:evidence from an incubation study. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 28:553–565.
  • Sekino, T. and T. Yoshioka. 2005. Diagrammatic representation of environmental monitoring data. Korean Journal of Limnology, 38:76-83.
  • Mostofa, K. M. G., T. Yoshioka, E. Konohira, E. Tanoue, K. Hayakawa and M. Takahashi. 2005. Three-dimensional fluorescence as a tool for investigating the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in the Lake Biwa watershed. Limnology, 6:101-115.
  • Konohira, E. and T. Yoshioka. 2005. Stream dissolved organic carbon and nitrate concentrations - an useful index indicating carbon and nitrogen availability in catchments. Ecological Research, 20:359-365. (DOI: 10.1007/s11284-005-0051-z).
  • Anawar, H. M., Akai, J., Komaki, K., Terao, H., Yoshioka, T., T. Ishizuka, T., Safiullah, S., Kato, K. 2003. Geochemical occurrence of arsenic in groundwater of Bangladesh: sources and mobilization processes. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 77:109-131.
  • Hayakawa, K., T. Sekino, T. Yoshioka, M. Maruo, and M. Kumagai. 2003. Dissolved organic carbon and fluorescence in Lake Hovsgol: factors reducing humic content of the lake water. Limnology, 4:25-33.
  • Yoshioka, T., S. Ueda, T. Miyajima, E. Wada, N. Yoshida, A. Sugimoto, P. Vijarnsorn and S. Boonprakub. 2002. Biogeochemical properties of a tropical swamp forest ecosystem of southern Thailand. Limnology, 3:51-59.
  • Nakagawa, F., N. Yoshida, A. Sugimoto, E. Wada, T. Yoshioka, S. Ueda, P. Vijarnsorn. 2002. Stable isotope and radiocarbon compositions of methane emitted from tropical rice paddies and swamps in Southern Thailand, Biogeochemistry, 61:1-19.
  • Lee, J.-Y., T. Yoshioka, and T. Hanazato. 2002. Faunal trophic interaction in an oligotrophic-dystrophic lake (Shirakoma-ike, Japan). Limnology, 3:151-158.
  • Yoshioka, T., S. Ueda, T. Khodzher, N. Bashenkhaeva, I. Korovyakava, L. Sorokovikova, and L. Gorbunova. 2002. Distribution of dissolved organic carbon in Lake Baikal and its watershed. Limnology, 3:159-168.
  • Anawar, H. M., K. Komaki, J. Akai, J. Takada, T. Ishizuka, T. Takahashi, Yoshioka, T., Kato, K. 2002. Diagenetic control on arsenic partitioning in sediments of the Meghna River delta, Bangladesh. Environmental Geology, 41:816-825.
  • T. Yoshioka, J.-y. Lee, H. A. Takahashi and S.-J. Kang. 2001. Palaeoenvironment in Dae-Am San high moor in the Korean Peninsula. Radiocarbon, 43:555-559.
  • Ueda, S., C.-S. Go, T. Yoshioka, N. Yoshida, E. Wada, T. Miyajima, A. Sugimoto, N. Boontanon, P. Vijarnsorn and S. Boonprakub. 2000. Dynamics of dissolved O2, CO2, CH4, and N2O in a tropical coastal swamp in southern Thailand. Biogeochemistry, 49:191-215.
  • Anawar, H. M., S. Safiullah and T. Yoshioka. 2000. Environmental exposure assessment of chromium and other tannery pollutants at Hazaribagh area, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and health risk. Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 10:549-556.
  • Yoshii, K., N. G. Melnik, O. A. Timoshkin, N. A. Bondarenko, P. N. Anoshko, T. Yoshioka and E. Wada. 1999. Stable isotope analyses of the pelagic food web in Lake Baikal. Limnology and Oceanography, 44:502-511.
  • Kohzu, A., T. Yoshioka, T. Ando, M. Takahashi, K. Koba and E. Wada. 1999. Natural 13C and 15N abundance of field-collected fungi and their ecological implications. New Phytology, 144:323-330.
  • Koba, K. N. Tokuchi, T. Yoshioka, E. A. Hobbie and G. Iwatsubo. 1998. Natural abundance of nitrogen-15 in a forest soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 62:778-781.
  • Yoshioka, T. 1997. Phytoplanktonic carbon isotope fractionation: equations accounting for CO2-concentrating mechanisms. Journal of Plankton Research, 19(10):1455-1476.
  • Wada, E., N. Yoshida, T. Yoshioka, M. Yoh and Y. Kabaya. 1996. The abundance of 15N in N2O in aquatic ecosystems with emphasis on denitrification. Mitteilungen Internationale Vereinigung für Limnologie, 25:115-123.
  • Wada, E. and T. Yoshioka. 1996. Isotope biogeochemistry of several aquatic ecosystems. Geochemistry International, 33(5):129-149.
  • Sekino, T. and T. Yoshioka. 1995. The relationship between nutritional status and diel vertical migration of Daphnia galeata. Japanese Journal of Limnology, 56:145-150.
  • Yoshioka, T., E. Wada, and H. Hayashi. 1994. A stable isotope study on seasonal food web dynamics in a eutrophic lake. Ecology, 75(3):835-846.
  • Ichikawa, T., T. Yoshioka, E. Wada, and H. Hayashi. 1992. Estimation of nitrogen uptake rate of small zooplankton using 15N tracer. Japanese Journal of Limnology, 53(4):273-280.
  • Yoshioka, T. 1991. Assessment of primary production in eutrophic lake from carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of a carnivorous fish (a pond smelt). Mass Spectroscopy, 39(5):277-281.
  • Wada, E., J. A. Lee, M. Kimura, I. Koike, W. S. Reeburgh, J. G. Tundisi, T. Yoshinari, T. Yoshioka, and M. M. I. van Vuuren. 1991. Gas exchange in ecosystem: Framework and case studies. Japanese Journal of Limnology, 52(4):263-281.
  • Takahashi, K., T. Yoshioka, E. Wada, and M. Sakamoto. 1990. Temporal variation in carbon isotope ratio of phytoplankton in a eutrophic lake. Journal of Plankton Research, 12(4):799-808.
  • Yoshioka, T., H. Hayashi, and E. Wada. 1989. Seasonal variations of carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of plankton and sinking particles in Lake Kizaki. Japanese Journal of Limnology, 50(4):313-320.
  • Yoshioka, T., E. Wada, and Y. Saijo. 1988. Analysis of lacustrine food web with natural carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios. Verhein International Vereinigung Limnologie, 23:573-578.
  • Yoshioka, T., E. Wada, and Y. Saijo. 1988. Isotopic characterization of Lake Kizaki and Lake Suwa. Japanese Journal of Limnology, 49(2):119-128.
  • Yoshioka, T., M. Takahashi, and Y. Saijo. 1985. Active nitrification in the hypolimnion of Lake Kizaki in early summer, 1. Nitrifying activity of rapidly sinking particles. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 104(4):557-570.
  • Yoshioka, T., and Y. Saijo. 1985. Active nitrification in the hypolimnion of Lake Kizaki in early summer, 2. Effects of light on nitrification in water. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 105(1):1-9.
  • Yoshioka, T., and Y. Saijo. 1984. Photoinhibition and recovery of NH4+-oxidizing bacteria and NO2--oxidizing bacteria. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 30:151-166.
  • Terai. H., and T. Yoshioka. 1983. Serological study on seasonal and vertical distribution of specific denitrifying bacteria in Lake Kizaki. Japanese Journal of Limnology, 44(2):81-92.
  • Takahashi, M., T. Yoshioka, and Y. Saijo. 1982. Nitrogen metabolism in Lake Kizaki, Japan Ⅲ. Active nitrification in early summer. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 93:272-286.
  • Yoshioka, T., H. Terai and Y. Saijo. 1982. Growth kinetic studies of nitrifying bacteria by the immunofluorescent counting method. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 28:169-180.
  • Yoshioka, T., H. Terai, and Y. Saijo. 1982. Analysis of the growth of NH4+-oxidizing bacteria and NO2--oxidizing bacteria in mixed culture. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 28:181-188.
  • Yamanaka, T., T. Yoshioka, and K. Kimura. 1981. Purification of sulphite cytocrome c reductase of Thiobacillus novellus and reconstitution of its sulphite oxidase system with the purified constituents. Plant and Cell Physiology, 22(4):631-622.
International Conference Proceedings Top
  • Yoshioka, T. 2008. Linkages in forested watershed environments. “Sustainability on Food, Feed, Fiber, Water, Energy: Science, Technologies, and Global Strategies”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability on Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), International Council of Sustainable Agriculture (ICSA), July 2-6, Sapporo, Japan, p. 145-150.
  • Yoshioka, T. 2007. Sustainable development and environmental valuation. International Symposium on Water Resources and Environmental Problems with Social Development(社会開発と水資源・水環境問題に関する国際シンポジウム), November 9, Nanjin, The People’s Republic of China, p. 28-29 (in Chinese), p. 30-31 (in Japanese).
  • Yoshioka, T. 2006. Interaction between environmental quality of the watershed and environmental consciousness: a methodological consideration. Proceedings of the 11th Japan-US Workshop on Global Change “Biodiversity, Ecosystem Function, and Dynamic Human-Nature Interaction”, October 31-November 2, Yokohama, Japan, p.177.
  • Osada, T., Sato, Y., Taniguchi, M., Yoshioka, T., Onishi, T., Handoh, I., Matsui, K. and Nagano, T. (eds.) 2006. RIHN 1st International Symposium Proceedings –Water and Better Human Life in the Future-. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, November 6-8, Kyoto, 2006, pp. 161.
  • Sekino, T. and T. Yoshioka. 2005. Diagrammatic arrangement method for presenting monitoring data. The First Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Limnology, May 19-22, Busan, Korea, Proceedings.
  • Yoshioka, T., S. Ueda, T. Khodzher, O. Timoshkin, N. Bashenkhaeva, I. Tomberg, L. Gorbunova, I. Khanaev and A. Zhdanov. 2002. Dissolved organic matter in Lake Baikal and its watershed: A possible tool for studying the interaction between terrestrial and freshwater environments. In: Fujita N, Timoshkin O, Urabe J and Wada E (eds), New Scope on Sustainable Watersheds Tomorrow. Nauka, Novosibirsk, pp. 71-80.
  • Konohira, E., T. Yoshioka and M. Yoh. 2002. Nitrate and DOC in natural streams of Lake Biwa watershed. In: Fujita N, Timoshkin O, Urabe J and Wada E (eds), New Scope on Sustainable Watersheds Tomorrow. Nauka, Novosibirsk, pp. 118.
  • Kang, S.-J., T. Yoshioka and A.-K. Kwak. 2002. Vegetation and environmental change of high moor on Mt.Dae-Am of Korean Peninsula. The VIII INTECOL (Seoul, Korea), Proceedings (abstract): p. 111.
  • Ohte, N., M. Kawasaki, M. Katsuyama and T, Yoshioka. 2002. Carbon discharge through hydrological processes from a temperate forest watershed in the central Japan. The International Symposium on Response of Terrestrial Watershed Ecosystems in Monsoon Asia to Global Change, November 24­–26 (11/25), Kyoto, Japan, Abstract, p. 26.
  • Mostofa, K. M. G., T. Yoshioka, E. Konohira and E. Tanoue. 2002. Dynamics and Characteristics of Dissoved Organic Matter in the Lake Biwa Watershed, Japan. The International Symposium on Response of Terrestrial Watershed Ecosystems in Monsoon Asia to Global Change, November 24­–26 (11/26), Kyoto, Japan, Abstract, p. 43.
  • Yoshioka, T., J.-Y. Lee, H. A. Takahashi, and S.-J. Kang. 2000. Palaeoenvironmental change in Dae-Am San Young-Nup, Korea. The 10th International Symposium on River and Lake Environment (ISRLE), Proceedings: p. 99-102.
  • Khan, M. G. M., T. Yoshioka, E. Konohira, and E. Tanoue. 2000. Distribution of dissolved organic matter and its quality in Yasu River in Lake Biwa watershed. The 10th International Symposium on River and Lake Environment (ISRLE), Proceedings: p. 159-162.
  • Wada, E, P. Vijarnsorn, N. Yoshida, T. Yoshioka, A. Sugimoto, S. Ueda, T. Katase, S. Boonprakub, T. Miyajima, M. Kimura, and M. O. Jedrysek. 1995. Radiatively active gases in tropical swamp forest and wetland soils I: An overview. Report of a new program for creative basic research. Studies of global environmental change with special reference to Asia and Pacific regions. Vol. II-1, p. 79-88
  • Yoshida, N., P. Vijarnsorn, S. Ueda, A. Sugimoto, T. Yoshioka, and E. Wada. 1995. Radiatively active gases in tropical swamp forest and wetland soils II: Dynamics and framework with emphasis on swamp forest in Narathiwat, Thailand. Report of a new program for creative basic research. Report of a new program for creative basic research. Studies of global environmental change with special reference to Asia and Pacific regions. Vol. II-1, p. 89-97
  • Vijarnsorn, P., S. Boonprakub, S. Ueda, T. Yoshioka, T. Miyajima, A. Sugimoto, N. Yoshida, and E. Wada. 1995. Radiatively active gases in tropical swamp forest and wetland soils III: Seasonal variation in Narathiwat, Thailand in 1993 and 1994. Report of a new program for creative basic research. Studies of global environmental change with special reference to Asia and Pacific regions. Vol. II-1, p.99-107
  • Ueda, S., T. Yoshioka, N. Yoshida, A. Sugimoto, T. Miyajima, E. Wada, P. Vijarnsorn, and S. Boonprakub. 1995. Distribution of dissolved carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in a tropical swamp ecosystem in Southern Thailand. Report of a new program for creative basic research. Studies of global environmental change with special reference to Asia and Pacific regions. Vol. II-1, p.109-116
  • Yoshioka, T., S. Ueda, and T. Miyajima. 1995. Methane metabolism in tropical swamp ecosystems I Southern Thailand. Report of a new program for creative basic research. Report of a new program for creative basic research. Studies of global environmental change with special reference to Asia and Pacific regions. Vol. II-1, p.117-120
  • Yoshioka, T. 1988. Analysis of lacustrine ecosystem with stable isotope ratio. IV International Symposium on the Eutrophication and Consevation of Water Resources, October 13-16, Korea, Proceedings, p. 83-93.
Books Top
  • K. M. G. Mostofa, T. Yoshioka, M. A. Mottaleb and D. Vione eds. (2013) Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter: Principles and practices in water environments. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 917.
  • Mostofa, K. M. G., C.-Q. Liu, M. A. Mottaleb, G. Wan, H. Ogawa, D. Vione, T. Yoshioka and F. Wu (2013) Dissolved Organic Matter in Natural Waters. In Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter: Principles and practices in water environments. K. M. G.
  • Mostofa, T. Yoshioka, M. A. Mottaleb and D. Vione eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 1-137.
  • Mostofa, K. G. M., C.-Q. Liu, D. Minakata, F. Wu, D. Vione, M. A. Mottaleb, T. Yoshioka, and H. Sakugawa (2013) Photoinduced and microbial degradation of dissolved organic matter in natural waters. In Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter: Principles and practices in water environments. K. M. G. Mostofa, T. Yoshioka, M. A. Mottaleb and D. Vione eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 273-364.
  • Mostofa, K. G. M., C.-Q. Liu, D. Vione, M. A. Mottaleb, H. Ogawa, S. M. Tareq and T. Yoshioka (2013) Colored and chromophoric dissolved organic matter in natural waters. In Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter: Principles and practices in water environments. K. M. G. Mostofa, T. Yoshioka, M. A. Mottaleb and D. Vione eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 365-428.
  • Mostofa, K. G. M., C.-Q. Liu, T. Yoshioka, D. Vione, Y. Zhang and H. Sakugawa (2013) Fluorescent dissolved organic matter in natural waters. In Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter: Principles and practices in water environments. K. M. G.
  • Mostofa, T. Yoshioka, M. A. Mottaleb and D. Vione eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 429-559.
  • Mostofa, K. G. M., C.-Q. Liu, X. Pan, T. Yoshioka, D. Vione, D. Minakata, K. Gao, H. Sakugawa and G. G. Komissarov (2013) Photosynthesis in nature: A new look. In Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter: Principles and practices in water environments. K. M. G. Mostofa, T. Yoshioka, M. A. Mottaleb and D. Vione eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 561-686.
  • Mostofa, K. G. M., C.-Q. Liu, X. Pan, D. Vione, K. Hayakawa, T. Yoshioka and G. G. Komissarov (2013) Chlorophylls and their degradation in nature. In Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter: Principles and practices in water environments. K. M. G.
  • Mostofa, T. Yoshioka, M. A. Mottaleb and D. Vione eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 687-768.
  • Mostofa, K. G. M., C.-Q. Liu, X. Feng, T. Yoshioka, D. Vione, X. Pan and F. Wu (2013) Complexation of dissolved organic matter with trace metal ions in natural waters. In Photobiogeochemistry of Organic Matter: Principles and practices in water environments. K. M. G. Mostofa, T. Yoshioka, M. A. Mottaleb and D. Vione eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 769-849.
  • Ogawa, N. O., E. Wada, N. S. Smirnova-Zalumi, N. G. Melnik, N. A. Bondarenko, M. N. Shimaraev, V. V, Smirnov and T. Yoshioka. 2010. Fish scales as a record of atmospheric change. In Earth, Life, and Isotopes. Ohkouchi, N., Tayasu, I. and Koba, K. eds., Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, Japan p.263-270.
  • Mostofa, K. M. G., F. Wu, T. Yoshioka, H. Sakugawa and E. Tanoue. 2009. Dissolved organic matter in the aquatic environment. In Natural Organic Matter and Its Significance in the Environment. F. Wu and B. Xing eds. Science Press, Beijing, P. R. China p.3-65.
  • T. Kohyama, J. Urabe, K. Hikosaka, H. Shibata, T. Yoshioka, E. Konohira, J. Murase and E. Wada. 2007. Terrestrial ecosystems in Monsoon Asia: Scaling up from shoot module to watershed. In J. G. Canadell, D. E. Pataki and L. F. Pitelka (eds.), “Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World” Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg p.285-296.
  • Yoshioka, T. 2001. Stable isotope studies. In “Lake Kizaki, limnology and ecology of a Japanese lake” Saijo, Y. and Hayashi, H. eds., Backhyus Publisher, Leiden, The Netherlands p.173-181.
  • Yoshioka, T. 2001. Influence of radiation on nitrification. In “Lake Kizaki, limnology and ecology of a Japanese lake” Saijo, Y. and Hayashi, H. eds., Backhyus Publisher, Leiden, The Netherlands p.199-206.
  • Hayashi, H. and Yoshioka, T. 2001. Chlorophyll a and primary production. In “Lake Kizaki, limnology and ecology of a Japanese lake” Saijo, Y. and Hayashi, H. eds., Backhyus Publisher, Leiden, The Netherlands p. 248-253.
  • Yoshioka, T., S. Ueda, T. Khodzher, N. Bashenkhaeva, I. Tomberg, L. Gorbunova, I. Khanaev and A. Zhdanov. 1999. Dissolved organic matter in Lake Baikal and its watershed: A possible tool for studying the interaction between terrestrial and freshwater environments. In “New scope on sustainable watersheds in East Asia” Fujita, N., Timoshkin, O. A., Urabe, J. and Wada E. (eds.), DIWPA Series Vol. 3, Nauka-Center, Novosibirsk p.71-80.
  • Yoshioka, T. 1999. Current technology in limnology (1) Stable isotope ecology. In Limnology –The Textbook for the Ninth IHP Training Course in 1999-. Terai, H. ed., Institute for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University and United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, p. 241, p.35-51.
  • Yoshioka, T, and N. Sekiyama. 1994. Biochemical composition of freshwater plankton. In "Estimation of water and overland ecological system - Ecological problems of the Baikal region" Kozova, O. M. and Bokova, I. K., Nauka (eds.), Novosibirsk p.51-57.
Reports Top
  • T. Yoshioka 2006. Interactions between the environmental quality of a watershed and the environmental consciousness: With reference to environmental changes caused by the human use of land and water resources. Interim report of project 5-2, March 2006 pp.139.
  • Nilon, C. et al. 2006. Working group 4: Interacting human and natural systems. Proceedings of the 11th Japan-US Workshop on Global Change “Biodiversity, Ecosystem Function, and Dynamic Human-Nature Interaction”, October 31-November 2, Yokohama, Japan p.63-70.
  • Konohira, E. and T. Yoshioka 2002. Nitrate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in natural stream water – DOC depletion in nitrogen saturated forest ecosystems -. Researches related to the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan, 2001-2002, Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB. p.48-53.
  • Yoshioka, T., S. Ueda, T. Khodzher, O. Timoshkin, N. Bashenkhaeva, I. Tomberg, L. Gorbunova, I. Khanaev and A. Zhdanov. 2000. Dynamics of dissolved organic matter in Lake Baikal and its watershed. Report of International Scientific Research Program (No. 09041159) on “Response of land ecosystem to global environmental changes” (Leader: E. Wada) p.19-29.
  • Ueda, S., T. Yoshioka, C.-S. U. Go, T. Khodzher, D. Valentina, L. Gorbunova, A. Zhdanov, I. Khanaev, N. Bashenkhaeva and I. Tomberg. 2000. Dual-isotopic implication of N2O dynamics in Lake Baikal. Report of International Scientific Research Program (No. 09041159) on “Response of land ecosystem to global environmental changes” (Leader: E. Wada) p.30-37.
  • Yoshioka, T., S. Ueda, T. Khodzher, O. Timoshkin, N. Bashenkhaeva, I. Tomberg, L. Gorbunova, I. Khanaev and A. Zhdanov. 1999. Dissolved organic matter in Lake Baikal and its watershed: A possible tool for studying the interaction between terrestrial and freshwater environments. Report of International Scientific Research Program (No. 09041159) on “Response of land ecosystem to global environmental changes” (Leader: E. Wada) p.16-27.
  • Ueda, S., T. Yoshioka, C.-S. U. Go, E. Wada. T. Khodzher, L. Gorbunova, A. Zhdanov, K. Igor, N. Bashenkhaeva and I. Tomberg. 1999. Nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of N2O in Lake Baikal. Report of International Scientific Research Program (No. 09041159) on “Response of land ecosystem to global environmental changes” (Leader: E. Wada) p.28-35.
  • T. Yoshioka, S. Ueda, and T. Miyajima 1994. Methane metabolism in tropical swamp ecosystems in southern Thailand. Researches related to the UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan, 1993-1994, Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB. p.13-20.
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Last modified: Sunday, April 28, 2013